Code of Conduct

Conduct and behaviour of members

  1. Members are expected to abide by the Fisheries Byelaws as issued and amended by the Environment Agency from time to time.
  2. Members must honour and respect any rules and/or regulations laid down by the proprietors or managers of the Facilities at all times. This includes parking restrictions, noise, time restrictions of starting and ending your session. It is also vital to close gates behind you as some of our moorings are on private land.
  3. Each member must conduct him/herself in a courteous, orderly and responsible manner at all times, and must not say or do anything that might harm the reputation of the Club.
  4. Should the Committee become aware of an allegation that a member has conducted him/herself in an inappropriate manner at any time; the member in question shall be given a reasonable opportunity to describe and explain the circumstances leading to the allegation. The Committee shall make other enquiries as it sees fit before determining what action (if any) is taken as a result of the allegation.
  5. All members must wear a suitable life jacket when using the clubs boats. Life jackets must be worn over clothing to ensure that they operate correctly. This also applies to any guests in any club boats. These should be inflating life jackets and not buoyancy aids. Buoyancy aids are permitted for children 12 years old or under.
  6. The minimum tackle for pike fishing is expected to be upheld by all club members. The club is setting a standard for the safe handling and preservation of pike. Any member not upholding this may be dismissed from the club.
  7. Facilities of the Norwich and District Pike Club must not be used for personal financial gain. This includes ‘guiding’. Members found to be exploiting this will be instantly excluded from the club.
  8. Each member will be issued with a membership card upon payment of his/her membership fee. A member must carry a valid membership card when using the Facilities and must produce it when required by a proprietor or manager of those Facilities or by a fellow member.
  9. All members must have a valid Environment Agency Rod license and abide by the local and national byelaws set down by the Environment Agency. Members must abide by the Broads Authority Byelaws, speed restrictions and navigation restrictions.
  10. Members are not permitted to allow guests to use club facilities for fishing, either via boat or bank access.
  11. The Norwich & District Pike Club Committee reserve the right to prohibit pike fishing from any or all club boats and at any or all of club bank fishing venues if circumstances are deemed to be detrimental to the pike stocks. (For example, in times of prolonged high temperature or reduced dissolved oxygen levels). This decision will, if felt necessary, be made by the committee and members will be expected to abide by the decision.
  12. Rules relating to Sportsman’s Staithe.
    • Members will park only in the designated car park and will not drive beyond the concrete bollards. Members are not permitted to drive down to the gate to off load equipment. We have regular visits from our partners (Essex and Suffolk Water, BA and EA) at the site and if any member is seen to be driving down to the gate, our licence could be removed.
    • No live-bait is allowed to be used on Sportsman’s Broad, even if caught on the site.
    • Members are not permitted to enter the wildlife exclusion zone at the North eastern arm of the broad during the period 1st October to the 31st March in any year. Please observe the exclusion area denoted on the map as illustrated below.
    • The gate at Sportsman’s staithe must be locked in a daisy chain. – DO NOT lock the chain together, but the neighbouring padlocks must be joined. This ensures other users (Essex and Suffolk water, BA, EA) can still access the area. If you are unsure about this, please ask when booking a boat. See image below.
    • It is suggested that ALL members use an electric outboard on the Trinity broad system. There are oars available for all of the boats to use in emergency situations.
    • We have previously had reports of members being stranded out on the broad, requiring help from Essex and Suffolk water to get back. It is the responsibility of all members to help ensure their own safety, with the ability to return to the boat mooring at all times. As always, be vigilant of weather conditions when using the club facilities.
    • No night fishing on the Trinity Broad system. Fishing is only permitted in daylight hours.
    • Please use the oars assigned to the boat you have been allocated.
    • Ensure the boat is returned to the correct position on the Staithe and locked securely.
    • While on the broad, it is essential that boats are not moored within five metres of the reeds at any time. This is to try to reduce the problem with invasive ‘Killer shrimp’ (Dikerogammarus villosus) on the Broad.

The Norwich and District Pike Club has Public Liability Insurance for all boat assets on offer. For comprehensive personal insurance cover whilst fishing, members are advised to join the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain.